Updated Jan 1 – 2024

These words are evermore important as the world becomes increasingly more and more politically polarized:

Stay independent of mind even if you work within a system. Learn to navigate through organisations without surrendering your youthful ideals. Always be sceptical of the declarations of those in power and authority, especially when there is no accountability. Understand that the basic morality that ordinary people exercise in their own lives is not reflected by power. In other words, always look for the truth from the ground up, rarely from the top down. Journalists are never real journalists if they are the agents of power, no matter how they disguise that role. Real journalists are agents of people.

— John Pilger, 2014

On January 1, 2024 Declassified Australia published John Pilger’s final published essay before his death at 84. Pilger examines why across the media there is ‘a silence filled by a consensus of propaganda’ — There is a war coming, shrouded in propaganda.

I didn’t agree with EVERYTHING John Pilger said, particularly his rather brutish and unfair personal comments of President Obama. But that said, hands-down, he goes down in history as a giant of a journalist. His work and ideas resonate with many of the themes I write about and in part explore about below – political suppression, the nature of media blackout, amplifying the voices of the voiceless – understanding ideology, hegemony and discourse.

(Text to follow) was: Updated 2022

With the all-consuming presence of social media we could make the case that it is close to the truth that what we used to think of as real journalists has been somewhat corrupted — actually wiped out, in some instances, by a malicious media sound-byte.

We could even claim that not just journalists but we as people can be involuntarily shape-shifted by corporate media norm and spurious political machination.

Not just dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean but dead journalists. You get the idea. Some might say this might be overstating it.

But some of us do continue to make the argument and carry the torch for independent media. What we think of as working journalists are expressing distress. We have to conform in a basic way to corporate conglomerates and cultural institutions that fundamentally mold and constrain our speech freedoms, as expressed by way of solid journalism example here.

Larger media outlets do have a mindset — this just can’t be ignored if the writer wants to be paid. Smaller publications often rely on volunteer writers. Not ideal. To remain part of the pack we have to constantly re-invent ourselves.

There’s always the pre-requisite, catchy media-outreach promotional phrases to stay relevant.

To those of you who might not know, this is Mediageode’s actual signature message.

— (c) Mediageode 2023:

“We understand the difficulties of editorial independence in these days of Big Media conglomeration especially what its effect is on the control of information. We possess a thoughtful cognizance of the impact that large corporate syndicates and bipartisan groups have on characteristically sound byte oriented media product.”

Independent journalists exist. “I exist”— as some famous philosopher once said but for the most part it’s always been on the margins of the literary media landscape. This isn’t a bad thing it is just a fact.

Blogging is a contribution as well. A contribution to the things that have happened by way of remembering them in writing. Blogs are archives, historical records. Hence this practical site, carefully preserved over 15 years +. Enjoy!

Basically I am about analysis and research. My writing (mostly blogging now) is intended to give my view and perspective, of observed events, that are of interest to me in what I call the nexus between the historical moment and the research purpose.

I am a reader of people and defender of all that is aesthetic and uplifting to the human spirit. I classify myself as a curious thinker with an investigative bent and tendency toward being a bit of policy reader or wonk.

I fault that to a certain extent to a background in political theory and policy studies.

My schooling and travel interests combined drew me toward eye-opening opportunities. These included adventures to learn new things about identity; things that seemed to me more relevant to my experience as an actualized person pulling me toward something called method-writing.

Journal-ing begins: The her-story narrative helped me to uncover learning methodologies on the human condition and on existential subjects such as power, pain, stigma — and something called relations of ruling (this is a phrase coined by Method Sociologist Dorothy Smith in the late 1980’s). Taken holistically, it can mean looking through a social lens with the researcher taking an active role to talk about struggle and Smith’s concept of ruling relations or as I’ve tried to suggest here, the power relations all around us, defining our lives.

Etymology is the study of the history of words. So think of my suggestion here as looking at the etymology-of-power. Loosely defined, in its usage here, I like to observe power properties or power relations at origin or development through a historical point in time.

The Math around us! As a researcher, I love biology, anthropology and sociology as subjects of study. I look for nexus points in the world around me. In observing life and all its lifeforms in my garden I seemed to evolve over the years through a series of intellectual stages in my own life trajectory and in my research interests in school.

I was drawn to the natural sciences almost instinctively.

As an early academic and a ‘social being in the forest’ so to speak I slowly begin to gravitate towards an interest in studying historical intervals (or tenets you could say) of symbolic-interactionism.

Out of that research-journey came a more pronounced commitment to ethnographical work in anthropology as a discipline. It began to show itself in my intellectual pursuits and most clearly in my animal welfare research interest.

I can say that I’ve always felt most grounded when I am outside in a park or near the river’s edge — places where I can observe the birds and animals roam and go about their business. Taking this one step further, I read about academic topics that bring me closer to nature.

The simplest way of putting it is today I am geared toward analyses relating to or resulting from the influence of human beings on nature.

My fascination is in ‘interpreting the Anthropocene’, a somewhat loaded thing to think about perhaps. But in simple terms it’s usually presented as an anthropological lens: an agreed upon geological epoch dating to an intense period of human impact on the Earth’s ecological order. Although as of March 21/2024 the BBC reported, Anthropocene unit of geological time is rejected — “A proposal to codify a new geological epoch based on humanity’s influence on Earth has been rejected. It means “the Anthropocene” will not be added to the chronostratigraphic chart featured in textbooks and on classroom posters to record the major changes in Earth history.”

It may include but not be limited to intrusive ‘anthropogenic’ changes to our world and its animal habitats.

See more about this vast and wonderful subject here.

I gently warn you at this point. There is a lot of eclectic stuff on this site. It is presented as a smorgasbord of writing observations which hopefully draws some of your interest.

I am a creative sort, you could say even artsy. I edit, I paint, I make things, I am into arts & crafts. I am all about hobbies, my favourite being gardening (botany) and ethnographic research in anthropology which looks at the relationships between human and animal kingdoms and how we’ve encroached on the four-legged and winged creatures of our ever evolving and fascinating world.

Happy reading!


Deeper definition for those who want to do further reading but may be new to anthropology. I try to bring sometimes unreachable academic research to every day life, to the masses, to common understanding.

What do I mean by ‘anthropogenic’ changes to our world and its animal habitats?

Speaking generally, it means observing both human and animal habitats and the conflicts for space which have arisen in a more pronounced way in the last two hundred years as a result of massive industrialization.

My latest research looks at how humans have waded into [historically] animal territories and how this may inform on who ultimately has or will have rightful territoriality of Earth itself.

Who’s encroaching on whom?

Of course here the study of ‘Survival of the fittest’, a term associated with British naturalist Charles Darwin and his epic work On the Origin of Species fifth edition (1869) argues that species best adapted to their surroundings are the most successful in surviving and carrying on their DNA and RNA.

Will humans be able to adapt to their changing world or will the viruses destroy us and the infernos burn us up? This is the question of our time.

I wrote this sentence in 2019 before we even knew about COVID-19 pandemic, so that will tell you something about eerie foreshadowing.


~ Diane Walsh, BA, MA, PGCert. (2016)

Bachelor of Arts (Canada) UBC Political Science

Master of Arts (Canada) UVIC Human Social Development

Post Graduate Certificate (UK) UStAndrews Anthropology

Areas of study:

Diplomatic studies, international relations, interdisciplinary methodologies and approaches in environmental sociology and political anthropology, cosmopolitan studies.

Most recent graduation: 2016 PgCert. in Social Anthropology University of St Andrews, Scotland

To be in touch, email: mediageode AT yahoo.com

Welcome to my Blog! ..Well more like an overall info page about what you might like to know about me in the ‘reportage’ field.

I am usually based on the West Coast whilst the Canadian political landscape remains an active hub for me.

I have history in the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and (CAJ), and, more recently (FPA) the Foreign Press Association 2013-2018 and (NPC) the National Press Club (NPC) 2017-2023 in Washington.

Mediageode 2014

I am a 3x UN media accredited correspondent, both New York (2010) and UN Geneva campus (2011, 2014). I was was an invited as an independent media representation participant in a UN Geneva symposium in 2014. #AntiFGMGlobal #GAFGM on twitter.

UN Geneva March 2014

Cross-border issues  are key for me. I classify myself as an investigative journalist.  I write for new media outlets as well as long-established print publications. I blend writing, videography and photo-journalism into creative-form.

What do I mean by investigative? Don’t worry I get that question a lot. Critical thinking about the world in which we live, advanced source-seeking and background-checking – probing deeply into research projects of my choosing (and/or those of my fave editors) and the pursuit of eclectic interviews with people I find the most interesting.

I’m not afraid of politically sensitive topics and on a good day being in possession of a signature style/fortĂ© for spontaneous and revealing Q&As (I’ve been told anyway). I’m easy to talk to and easy to reach. I enjoy covering international news items and I guess you could say I have a social justice bent.  

Motivated to cover issues that have some social relevance and perhaps, in some small way, I try to help to improve people’s quality of life.

I’ve enjoyed freelancing here and there for the odd random rag and for a couple of glossy mags covering various topics on internet trends, community politics, cultural (social) anthropology (see my blog posts), lifestyle choices & social identity – also the alternative music and fashion scene and eco-travel (something I like to dabble in on a more personal level).

That’s about it other than if you’d like to gab and share ideas about art please check my e-portforlio in the ‘Artwork’ TAB on this site. Would welcome hearing from you!

My twitter feed is @dwalshmedia.

~ Diane Walsh BA, MA, PgCert (2016)

most recent Alums: st-andrews.ac.uk @univofstandrews

2016  Postgraduate Certificate in Social Anthropology

 (c) MediaGeode 2023

Please email: mediageode AT yahoo DOT com if you’d like to republish anything from this site. Skype: [mediageode]

The Vanier Park, Vancouver sea front in Kits story commences back in 2019 and earlier. For more of the background I tweeted several links to videos, pictures and petitions, as well as news articles.

Feb 21 – 2024 Lack of press freedom at The Louvre

My Granddad: John Myles Wilson, known as John M. Wilson

Family Received: June 16, 2023 First Class Mail, containing,

-Merchant Mariners of WWII Congressional Gold Medal for:

“John M. Wilson”

-Congressional Gold Coin – front & back (see image below)

-Official letter in Blue envelope from U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration
John M. Wilson
honored with
Merchant Mariners of WWII Congressional Gold Medal

Veterans Affairs Canada, Charlottetown, PE

April 18, 2023

CANADA records:

I am incredibly proud to report today that I have received in the mail this full document (39 pages) from VA 🇹🇩 on -Merchant Mariner-John-Myles-Wilson-b.1914-06-24–d.1987-08-03 which commemorates my maternal grandfather’s life as a Merchant Mariner during WWII including his medals and career sequence (on file and held by Canada). Cover Letter was also found in the envelope, addressed to myself (to be uploaded shortly). Please click on the PDF link above to view the file.

A huge thanks to the staff at VA Canada for researching, accessing and digitally copying the files and mailing them to me. Thank you Canada!

For the Keila ship- records, please browse UK National Archives (see below for sequence).

United Kingdom records:

Plus, this is a UK link to John Myles Wilson’s Ship Movement records, Convoy Operations WWII, downloaded from UK National Archives

May 19, 2022 United States honors WWII Merchant Mariners in dramatic fashion



Department of Transportation




US Mint

Granddad has yet to receive the gold coin (posthumously) however I did manage to acquire a sample of the above for keep’s sake. â€ïžđŸ’«

Update: John Myles Wilson has now received the honor, June 16 2023, please visit this page for viewing. I have also been made aware that his sister (my great Aunt) Helen Wilson Clark received a letter from Queen Elizabeth II for turning 100 in Scotland.

Helen Wilson (sister of) John Myles Wilson) – pic included just as of interest to the reader

Posted publicly March 27, 2023

Name of receiver(s) upon request, with permission

Transcription info available at the end of narrative

Weta Pichu

Jacqueline Sequence 2

01:00:00Start Tape


I’m 16 years old. I come from Maasai community from Lodoklani. I come from Lodoklani, yeah in [indecipherable]


I was in this school currently. And then last year, I joined AC Girls Secondary School. And then I’m taking my studies there, yeah.


I grew up with my mom and my father. But when it was, I was ten years old, my mother passed away. Now, I, I, continue growing up with my, my, I have two brothers. I have the big brother and the other one and then me. I’m the, the third born in that family. And the day my mom went, the time my mom died, now my brother is taking care of us and my father. 01:01:13 And yeah. And I have also two sisters, yeah.


Now one, now the many challenges are like the circumcision of the [inaudible] and they circumcise girls. Now you see the [inaudible] for the community. Now they have recognized like now they don’t have a mother, now nobody’s taking care of them. Now the, the, the, the elders from the community can come and say because this one has grown up, let us circumcise her and then we give out to the husband. 01:01:50 Now [inaudible] the challenges they face. But to me I decided one day, I woke up in the morning and then uh I was thinking what can I, well now what am I going to do? Now I decided to, to call my sister and then I told her I’m going back, at that time, I was very little because I was eleven years old. Now I say where am I going to go? And then I just, I just woke up, I just wake up, woke up and then I go, I take a step, I ask another woman there. 01:02:25 And then what she told me, even she has not even told me “you are very young and go to school.” No what she also told me “look for [inaudible] as a maid work in, doing the work inside the, the people houses you can do so that you are, sisters can have watch, they will each.” Now our family, they, they started going like they leave us alone. Now we are, we are, we are there like we are sisters now. We are there alone. 01:02:56 Nobody’s looking out for our food to eat. Now we see it is very difficult. 

01:03:02​Q. Just so I don’t get confused, I’m going to repeat some of the things you said and you tell me if I’m right or wrong. When your mother passed away, your brothers and father took care of you. But you were actually taking care of your sisters. Correct? Ok. And then you tried to talking to your dad to see if maybe someone can help you. Ok. And meanwhile the elders in the community tried to apply pressure for you to be circumcised and get married.



01:03:33​Q. What was your father’s response to that pressure?


You know, my father, he has not gone to school. And he’s, the Massais say that the girl child has no any right to, to say no or yes. Now they have to take the opportunity to tell my father that this girl has, she has already grown up. And remember I was eleven years old. Now we can circumcise her and marry her off. Now my father was like “if I refuse, you know they say if I refuse, I’m, I’m going just to get many problems in the family as we, as, as now her mother is not alive, nor things like those. 01:04:22 Now I better sell her to get the cows and satisfy others when they are growing up.


Ok I was, I was circumcised by my, my father’s brother. Now you know there is a celebration, thing like those. Now, he took, he took me to his home and then circumcised me. At that time, when I was circumcised is the one that’s forcing my father to look for someone who can marry me. Now they say, they say they have already get someone to marry me. Now they are, they are important, those cows, they are taking those cows now and so that if I be, if I recover from that sickness, I’ll be, I’ll be married off. 01:05:13 But the, that time, at that time, there is, there is some women which came there when I was circumcised because I was, I was circumcised when I was too young and become very sick. 


Ok is it like this. The women that is, one woman which use the, they use the razorblades to circumcise somebody. Yeah, they use the razorblade. Now what they do, they, what they do, they take, they take us in the morning, in the morning before even it was, it is morning when it is very cold, they take you outside. They pour some cold water for you. 01:06:03 And then they, they call you to go inside again that [inaudible]. Now what they do, they, they cut you. There are three, three women. They cut you and then there is the skin there, the skin from the cows, that skin. And then they, they force you to sit there. If you have sit in there, now that others can cut your hands and yeah back cut, the others cut your legs. 01:06:34 And then they, they call others to come and make a circle to you. And then that woman can use a razorblade to cut you. They don’t mind, believe they can abuse to ourself, maybe was you can be cut even here, they don’t mind. Now they want, they want just to circumcise, want finish that because they are [inaudible] them. Now just like that. 


They say the cold water can make, you know can make your body to be the blood not to, the blood not to, to come, to come out at a high rate of the speed. Now that’s what they are meaning to the cold water.


I screamed when I got circum- I screamed because at that time I saw there is my blood going and I scream, yeah. 


Ok after I was circumcised, now they can take you to that [inaudible] and start giving you those, the, the um, the, the meat from the sheep’s [inaudible]. And at that time, I was, I, after three days, I was really, I was bleeding seriously and bleed even until my body, [inaudible] my head as it was going like this. 01:07:53 I had if I look at you, I’m not seeing you well, and like this. I was bleeding even, I think I have blood for even one basin of blood. I was sick and they are not taking me to hospital. They are just saying she will recover. It is just the normal thing they usually pass through. Now others they come and say maybe the one who was circumcised, she has a problem. You know they have those means. They are problems. Now, now he, now they, they just keep for me there for one week. 01:08:27 And I was sick seriously. And I, I move from the house and then I go outside. And then so I saw my brother. Then I call him, ask him now you are, I was totally sick and I don’t know how, I don’t, I don’t understand. I’m just going there and sit. Then I told them I’m sick. So if you want to rescue my life, please rescue. Yeah.


Ok my brother, he has just, he told me
Ok what he told me is that I’m going to speak with my father, look for the money to take you to hospital. And then the following day, my father came there to that home to, yes to that, his brother’s home. And then I was taken to hospital. And then when I was taken to hospital, it was very difficult because they are telling me not to say that I have been circumcised because they know it is wrong. Yeah.

01:09:31​Q. Did you say it?


Yeah I told the doctor. Yeah I told him that I was circumcised and I bled very seriously and that I think it is my word is now, I don’t know what is wrong with my body. Yeah.


That I have no blood in the body now. And they ask why are they, why they have done that for me. And then they have started to say that is our culture and you know we cannot leave our culture.

01:10:01 â€‹Jacqueline

Somebody can donate their blood for her. Now my, they say that no I don’t know somebody to donate their blood for me. I told them like that. And then the doctor told me that there is the medicine that you can take for a long time and then you can just recover. Now that the doctor would say they buy those medicine and then they take them after two month that the time I was still that my head now recovered from ring like this. I still like, if I stand, I want to fall down. 


The doctor, the doctor told me what happen, and then I told him now he’s even the doctor say it was very difficult for me to recover from that bleeding. But what he told me, he told me that, he called them and then he started asking them why have you done this for her? Now they say that it’s because of their community because the Massai community show they do this and if you see a girl which has not passed this one, this can, can happen to, like they check like the [inaudible]. Yeah. No the doctor does not follow again. 


That time, the time I was recovering from hospital, I think it is God who spoken to me or I don’t know. 


I called my younger sister. I told her that for me, me I’m going. Now she started crying because she said that if I go, she’ll face more than me. Ok. Now what I told her, I told her that if I go and I get some, somewhere which is comfortable, come and take you. Now she, she told me that “even now, if you are going, please can you take me? Because if I stay here, maybe I’ll be circumcised like you.” 01:11:52 And then I assure her, told her “you are not going to be circumcised. I’ll make sure.” Ok now at that, the next morning, I woke up. I’ve not, I’ve not told anybody and then I told my sister not to tell  anybody. I woke up and then I, I went to the [inaudible], I went to another woman there, is their grandmother. Then I told her “can you pay for me the fare on the bus? There’s somewhere I want to go.” 01:12:25 And her now she started asking me many questions. Then I told her “ok if you are not able, let me just, let me just stay.” Now I told her, I just told her actually briefly that I want to rescue my life. 


Now she told me “what about your sisters?”


I come until [inaudible]. But I did not know the school at the first time. Then I just let from the bus, I stayed there. I saw another woman and then I say I must go to her. And it is like God is speaking to me. Then I say I must go to her. Then I go and ask her the question. Then she told me “huh, you pass all these problems.” I told her, I told her “yes.” And “do you want to learn?” I told her “yes I want to go to school.” 01:13:15 Then she told me “here there is many rescue centres.” Then I told her “can you tell me one?” I was standing near just this school at those posts but I don’t know, I didn’t know. Then she told me “you can go here now.” She pointed at this, this route. 


Ok so when I’m going like this, I saw Madam. Now I go to her. I did not know if he’s a teacher here or she’s a parent. I did not know anything. Then I go to her. Then she started asking me question. She asked me questions. Then what, what I told her that, I told her all the problem, I not hide anything to her. I told her just briefly what I’m telling you. Then I told them what, what, what, what has gone on. 01:14:03 I tell her and then she ask me “do you have sisters?” I say “yes I have sisters.” 


We, what I have passed through the circumcision, I told her everything and then I told her that I have these sisters who are there. They are, maybe if I’m going to stay there here alone, they can be circumcised also and married, married them off. Now can, can you assist me in both ways? Maybe you can assist me in give me this school and you can assist my sisters also. 01:14:35 Now looking, she was, she was, she was looking at me like this and she can’t believe that I have passed all those things. She was asking me many question. And I was, we were talking with her like just my mom. I told her everything. I told her that I have two brother. I told her all, all my family. I told her that my mom passed away because of this problem and this one. And this is what we have passed through before I come here. 


Next years, she allowed me to stay here in school. 


And then I opened my heart and tell her that I, I, I’ll not be free until I see my sisters here. Now Madam told me “don’t worry. You are, we are, we are going to take your sisters.” Now I was, I was like this day will not come that my sisters are going to come here and feel free like me. Now each and every time, it’s, every week I just go and [inaudible]. Now she was telling me “don’t worry. There’s something I’m arranging and then I can go and take your sisters.” 01:15:45 Now that she, she was maybe she was looking like she’s, she wanted to see that if I can [inaudible] become another person and leave those stress of remember what is happening at home. Now one day Mrs. Loki just said “[inaudible], we are going to take your sisters here.” And at that time, I was very happy. 


Now at that time we were, we I was, I was going home at that time. You know, if they go home now, they have no problem, they will not have grown now and I can, I know how to reason and how to do these things and this when the bad things and that and things. Now at that time, I did not, I went uh myself alone. Then I went there. I was think like maybe something can happen to me. But I did not bother about it because I know now all the routes of coming here and doing this and this. 01:16:42 Now I was Madam told me, you just, she waited for me somewhere and see what if these people can abuse me. She was, she was waiting. But I was just with her. Now I, I go there and my sister was very, she was very happy because she was seeing that maybe I can, next, because I am growing, maybe I am going to be circumcised and they see what I have passed is very difficult for them even to pass through. 01:17:11 Now I go there. She’s very happy. And then I start telling them. But I not tell my brothers or my, or my father. I told only my sisters that “tomorrow I’m going with you.” “Where?” “Don’t worry, we’re just going, we are going and you are going to do, to get your education.” Ok now they are happy. Then they can see that they will not reach it. It is very, it is a very long day. I stayed there and then I stayed there. 01:17:42 Madam was just, she was, she was calling me and texting me “what have you done? Have you already come from there?” I was, I was just, we were communicating with her. Now what, what, now my sister was very happy to see that. Now that [inaudible], I told them not to carry anything. You just was go. Let’s go. We come. 


I was talking, I was talking with my dad one evening, that evening. And I told her, I told him that tomorrow I want to go and look after cows and because I don’t know, because I have stayed in Kajaro for a long time. I want to go with my sisters and have fun with them there outside. Now he was happy because he has seen that I have gone, I have gone, I have come to school and I have changed a bit now like that. Now and now he was, he was asking me that “when you go, the cows, the three of you?” 01:18:39 And I told him, I told him “yes we want to go three of us.” Yeah. 


At that time, you know I told them that we go there because there is a rescue centre and they have, I started editing for them the story that is a rescue centre that I have get. And the Madam is waiting for us somewhere and that she’s like our mom. She have done this to me and this to me. And I’m, I’m school now. I have, I have get education and that’s why I have come take you. And that’s, that’s enabled me to rescue them from being circumcised. 


Because the people in our community now, they have lot more and also they have this school benefited more because if I go there back to the community, I take, I get the girls and teach them what is bad about circumcision and what and what. And now my sisters are very clever. They cannot stay there to be circumcised. 


Now what, what we have, what we have decided and talked to them, if they had something like [inaudible] or try to be circumcised, they run away from there. And they know here, they know this home and they know where to pass through because they are big girls now. They are very [inaudible] they are now, they can, they can run away from that. And, and now, and in our community now, the chiefs are, the chief are going that around and look if you be caught circumcising a girl or married a girl off to who is, who is she’s in school, you will be jailed for it. 


Ok, now when I go, the time we went home, that day we went home all of us at the same time. They were very happy and they can see hey and what has gone on, have happened to you? Now I go one day, when I go home, I’m going to read the story to them, the story about the school to them. And I told them “if you try one day to circumcise my sister, watch I’ll jail you. So if you want us to stay with you with peace and forgive you for what you have done for me because I have, my life was really been affected, want me to forgive you, don’t do this to my sisters.” 01:21:00 And that, that make my father even to cry when I was talking to him. I was talking to him like I’m feeling that thing inside my heart. I was telling him if I have died, what, what could happen to this [inaudible]. And what I have, I have experience in my life and I don’t want my sister to experience that. Now we are here back to our home. Now we have forgiven you for what you have done to, to me because I’m the one who was affected most. 01:21:32 Now I have forgiven you. You are my dad and I know you are my dad. I know you are following the community but for now I am not going to, because I know maybe you, you did not, maybe you were forced to do this for me and you say it is your community, but now I’m going against the community. Now what, what, what you have done for me just don’t do to my sisters because it will affect them. I’m going to jail you for what you have done for me. But for now, I have forgiven you. 01:22:01 Now he become very happy and love us back home. 

01:22:06​Q. You are a very strong girl. I feel very inspired by you. [thanks her and tells her she’s a leader]


Yeah I did so. I did so. 

01:22:48​Q. It’s very inspiring for me. 


The counselling I was getting here and I was getting it, I’m still getting it. I’m still going through. It has really changed my life and make me a better person. Because if it was not that counselling, I could not say what, what had happened my life and start remembering, imagining what happened. Like now I’m talking to you that it is very painful. But if I get the counselling that this and this has happened to you, if the circumcision has happened to you, do not worry because there this and this and you do not know. 01:23:33 And now, the counselling is really helping me and my education so that it cannot affect my mind. Now the, the, the people who are coming to counselling, they counsel us and they tell us that you are not the only one who experienced this life. You can get somebody else who have more than you. And if you have experienced in this life and this one, there is still another step to take and don’t say that my life is, my life is now the end of my life is this one. 01:24:00 You can take a step and, and, and forget what happened at the past and continue with your life. 


Ok the workshop, the workshop has really helped me because I was admiring from, and in my life, I was admiring being a camera, a camera, to take cameras. In fact, it is very fun. You take it and it is very enjoyable. Now I was, I did not know the function of the pictures maybe, the function of the this one. How can I put the batteries in the camera? How can I make the camera to be on and off? I did not know those one. 01:24:35 But from [inaudible] said this, this, this workshop, it has really helped me because now I know how to use the camera. I know how to, to take the pictures. I know how to design to put the colour that I needed to put. Now this one has really helped me. The workshop has really helped me. 


Cameras. Now I can, I can, I can use the cameras and pictures. Like now after my, my former, or when I come back to school, it is like I take the camera and check the pic-, maybe somebody want me to take her picture or they want, when they go there outside, somebody want to take a picture, and those pictures really they can, those pictures make me happy, even you can [inaudible] them because you become a camera woman, you can get money from those pictures. You can make money, yeah. 


That is the most, I did the most thing I want to do. I wanted to take to be a camera woman. I want to be like a designer. I want things like those. 


I wanted to do that. I had it in my mind but it has not really come out. But the time you, you came here, I said that oh it is, it is something which is very good and to do this and this, I can benefit from this. Now the time you came here, that’s the time I was really see that this career I’m going to perform it and I can make it, yes.


Ok, what I can tell the world, [inaudible] tell the girls who are, who have experienced this or who have, who are still going under this one, what I can tell them is that you, you have, if you have already passed this, please don’t say that I have no any step to take. Because even me, I have passed that and now, now I’m a changed person. Even nobody can see that I have passed all those problems. Even you, maybe you have not know what I have passed through. 01:26:36 But if somebody, if you take yourself and know that this has passed and I have started a new life and take a step, now you can be a good person and you can change even entire community and others at home. And what I can tell the world that all, what I can tell those who can rescue us, or assist us in this who have been affected, please you can come up and assist us. And also, you can contribute on our education because that’s many have done so that for us and we want to thank them for what they have done to us. 01:27:14 And want to thank the, the camera [inaudible] that they have come here and teach us the about the cameras. Also I was very happy in this holiday, yes.


What I can ask is that if you are the one who have passed that experience that I have passed, what could you have done to maybe to somebody like your father or your mother? Yeah. 

01:27:44​Q. What would I have done in your position?


Yes. Like now you are done pass all that. 

01:27:49​Q. Wow, that is such a big question. I think that um I would hope that I would have done exactly what you did. I don’t have sisters, I have two older brothers. But if I had little sisters, I would hope that I would have made the smartest decision, not just emotionally I would have wanted to stay home with my sisters. But the smartest thing to do was to leave and help myself so then I can help my sisters. 01:28:28 So I would just hope that I would have made a choice like you.


Will you be ready to forgive your parents [inaudible]?

01:28:40​Q. Yes. Yeah I believe in forgiveness. I do. And I think when you forgive people, it releases, it releases. So I think it takes away the burden that you carry. You don’t have to be angry and bitter all the time. You know, it’s like it doesn’t mean that what they did was right. It just means that you’re ready to let go. And I believe that when you do that, it opens doors for you to move on even further. So yes, I think I would have. 


Ok thank you.

01:29:15​Q. It wouldn’t have been easy but I would have tried my very best to forgive, and I think I would have.


Ok I make that decision forgive my parents as I know that even God say if you forgive, even you’ll be forgiven. And that is why I [inaudible] because I came in, I become a, I become a Christian here and I’m the best singer and they say that oh I can forgive my parents because what I sing, it is also I can, I can make it and forgive them. 01:29:51 Now in my heart, I have nothing, I have no burden that they have done for me this, I’m not going to help them. Maybe if I get a job, I’m not going to contribute this for them. No, I have just forgive them and to continue with them as my parents. 

01:30:08​[taking photographs]

01:30:34​End Tape


Transcription by Scriptastic – Jennifer Z.

A look back at LIN through the years

Posted: February 25, 2023 in Canada

Check out #LowerIslandNews on Twitter for original tweets – @lowerislandnews

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GĂ©linas (Bellemare) Ancestral history

1941 Wedding picture of

Captain John Myles Wilson
Merchant Mariner (The Keila)
groom/husband, Scotland-born (my Grandad)
Hortense Bellemare (Ancestry: GĂ©linas Bellemare)
bride, Canada-born

Marie Cecile Hortense Wilson was
John Myles Wilson’s wife (and my Nana)
Photo taken in
Trois RiviÚres, Québec

Hortense’s ‘maiden’ name is (her father’s family name) Bellemare

Hortense’s father was Joseph OnĂ©sime Bellemare (see archive below in Quebec Act). He signed off as “Joseph Bellemare” if you look at the end but in the text he is referred to by his full name.

Hortense’s father, Joseph’s, mother’s name, was : Lamy (Likely also Jewish). See it also written below in the Quebec Act. Scroll further down the page here for more information.

My own mother recalls,

“Lamy was another surname that I heard of in my childhood. Grandmùre Bellemare and Auntie Fernande went to Bordeaux in search of ancestors around 1949 when Auntie Fernande lived in England with Nana & Grandad. She married Uncle Jimmy Dron (also) a Scotsman. Grandmùre (Bellemare) came to visit Nana in Dovercourt, England”.

The suggestion of Jewish heritage
Scroll list for: my family name(s), Bellemare, GĂ©linas and Lamy

used to connect to a website called www .serviceamitie.org/fr/information-assignation-1 but the Original sources, now defunct: www .amitiesquebec-israel.org/GelinasR/centre-gelinas/Juive-en-NF/Allocution-Anglais.htm
but you may contact the source here:

Current source click this photo
“Le Taureau” 1658 – my ancestors were believed to be on board. Bellemare.

Full name reads: Marie Cecile Hortense Bellemare. Granddad called her Hortense and Hortense is written on marriage license. Full name appears in Quebec Act archives.

With gratitude and thanks to @hervegeneologie on Twitter

Here is a comprehensive document http://joachimleblanc.com/Descendances/Bellemare.htm

Some oral family history:

Hello Diane. According to the genealogy that I have of the Bellemare’s we are descendants of Jean-Baptiste who would seem to be the son of Jean Juillineau who took on the name of Bellemare and settled in Yamachiche. Tante Rhea told me they came from Saintes in France as your information states. My story was that the 3 brothers came from Saintes and took on the names of Gelinas (sic: GĂ©linas) Bellemare and I didn’t know the third name and settled in Yamachiche. I wasn’t aware that their grandfather and his son their father had come earlier and first settled in Cap de la Madeleine. I don’t have any info on Joseph Gelinas but I believe some of our ancestors went to Massachusettes. Many did in Quebec around the beginning of the 20th century. Hope things are well with you” — family member


“If you scroll down, on the wiki page, the three Gelinas brothers are mentioned here in this wiki link on Yamachiche. They were the first three colonists. Gelinas’ changed name to become Bellemare as indicated on other document sent. Like you say, Jean-Baptiste Bellemare is the common ancestor. So any records would be great”.


More notes here:

First Inhabitants of Yamacheche (also seen spelled as Yamachiche) — “Etienne, Jean-Baptiste and Pierre Gelinas, sons of Jean were, with the Seigneurs Charles and Julien Lesieur, the first inhabitants and the first land owners at Yamacheche, an parents of the first children born in this parish. The descendants of Etienne kept the name of Gelinas, those of Jean-Baptiste became Bellemare and those of Pierre are Lacourse.

In his history of Yamacheche, Raphael Bellemare reports that the Gelinas brothers must have received, at the end of the seventeenth century, their concession from Lambert Boucher de Grandpre, son of the governor, who had married Marguerite de Vauvril, grand-daughter of Pierre Lepele dit Lahaie. Etienne, son of Etienne Gelinas and of Marguerite Benoit, was born on 8 October 1704 and was baptized by the Recollet priest Simeon Dupont.

The second child born at Yamachiche was the cousin of the first, Jean-Baptiste, son of Jean-Baptiste Gelinas dit Bellemare and of Jeanne Boisonneau dit Saintonge, also baptized at Yamachiche, at the paternal home, by the same missionary on 3 March 1705. These two baptismal acts notes Bellemare,

“sufficiently prove the occupation of these place before the first concessions granted by the seigneurs of the two division of Grosbois.”

For an uninterrupted two and three-quarters centuries, from 1703 to the present, the Gelinas and the Bellemare families worked the ancestral lands at Yamachiche. Lands occupied by the same family for nearly three centuries have become more and more rare in our time. These lands at Yamachiche bear witness to the vitality of the Gelinas and the Bellemare families and of their very great desire to maintain tradition. For them, it was a matter of filial love and deep respect for their ancestors” — source unclear


Crypto-Jews explanation




Fun fact: My own mother was asked to be an honorary member of a business group of Jewish Women, in Montreal affiliated with Jewish League of Women, in the mid to late 1980’s.

I was also told this information once as a teenager but I never forgot it. In part it was the inspiration for delving deeper into our ancestral past and finding these archives with the help of dozens of people most of whom were researchers themselves of their own histories.


You can find the neatest things on Reddit — Activism Anthropology explained modestly well for the newcomer.

byu/mustCRAFT from discussion

Oxford reference says, “The practice of collaborative research and action with (typically, but not always, socially marginalized) people involved in a political struggle”. Okay.

Does this count? https://indydianewalsh.com/2015/12/10/the-belugas-culture-shock/

Here is a short reading list on Anthropology and activism



Activist Anthropology | Wade Davis https://youtu.be/Rkp6bVZsGDE




This one in particular caught my eye, tweaked my attention:





This one is quite enthralling










FREE FALLING by anonymous

Suddenly our shifting shape

Morphs into another arrogant ape

And from our Alpine canopy

Short falls become our destiny

Mountains and jungles share common floors

Where creatures poor and flightless lark

And canopy heights are beyond the snark

Of jealous eye and sabre tooth

And newly fattened, the ape has fallen

Ungenerous to less favoured fur

And now gripped and pinned by roots that bore

The self-serving life the floor abhors

The snake and tiger, rat and roach

Now feast upon the fallen fat 

A lesson how the mighty fall

When fortune favours the slimmer shape.

April 18, 2023

I am incredibly proud to report today that I have received in the mail this full document from VA 🇹🇩 on John-Myles-Wilson-1914-06-24 which commemorates my maternal grandfather’s life as a Merchant Mariner during WWII including his medals and career sequence.

Plus John Myles Wilson’s Ship Movement Records, Convoy Operations during WWII


Captain John Myles Wilson Merchant Mariner documents


UK National Archives – July 24 1944


History of 4 medals and why they would be given to someone https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/medals-decorations/details/23




Update May 2022: The fourth-medal-received mystery: Grandad’s fourth medal was/is the “War Medal 1939-1945”. I’ve included a sample. But I have yet to see it in front of my eyes and get a photograph of it. Working on it! Still to be located.

“Happy you’re undertaking this project. The merchants marines played a decisive role in the Allied victory. I know Nana was greatly upset he wasn’t recognized by the Canadian or British governments as a veteran, despite the critical role in the war effort and the dangers of U-boat attacks. My understanding is that his ship was struck and greatly damaged. But that’s from stories, not documents. Sorry” — enormous thanks for this encouraging note from a family member about:

